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Getting started

This page demonstrates the installation process of the nutrix restaurant management system, to get more details about the nutrix system architecture, kindly check the following architecture page

Install using docker-compose

This section demonstrates how to install the nutrix service using docker-compose.


On windows make sure WSL2 is installed before proceeding.


Make sure that git , docker and docker-compose are installed

1. Clone the devops repo

git clone

2. Configure zitadel domain name resolution.

Change directory to the devops repo dir and then run docker-compose up

cd devops
docker-compose up --build -d

Add zitadel domain to hosts file so that zitadel domain name refers to (localhost) by your local DNS.

  • On Windows open C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts and add the following entry : zitadel

3. Configure frontend auth in zitadel

Open zitadel service url, by default configured at zitadel:8080 and login using the following credentials:

  • username: zitadel-admin@zitadel.zitadel
  • password: Password1!

Create a new project and name it "nutrix"

Create a "User agent" app inside "nutrix" project and set the Redirect Settings as follows:

  • Redirect URIs: http://localhost:3000/auth/signinwin/zitadel

which refers to the frontend URI

  • Post Logout URIs: http://zitadel:8080/


ensure the trailing '/'

Now save the Client ID found in the Configuration tab in the zitadel "User agent" app and the Project ID found in the URI after the /project/ section

Open .env inside the devops dir and set the following environment variables:

VUE_APP_ZITADEL_PROJECT_RESOURCE_ID=<Client ID from the last step>
VUE_APP_ZITADEL_CLIENT_ID=<Project ID from last step>

4. Configure pos api (backend) auth against zitadel

Open zitadel console and create a new "API" app inside the nutrix, in the configuration section, add a new key and download it to devops/pos_mnt/zitadel-key.json

5. Configure autostarting


For Windows users !

Enable systemd in wsl config

vim /etc/wsl.conf

You will then need to close the Linux distribution. You can use the command wsl.exe --shutdown in PowerShell to restart all WSL instances.

Once your Linux distribution restarts, systemd will be running. You can confirm using the command: systemctl list-unit-files --type=service, which will show the status of any services associated with your Linux distribution.

for more info refer to WSL Systemd

Create systemd unit files

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/nutrix.service
Description=My Docker Compose Service

ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/docker-compose down
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker-compose up -d
ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker-compose down



Make sure you change /path/to/your/devops_repo in the above file to the devops repo path on your machine

Enable and start the service

sudo systemctl enable nutrix.service
sudo systemctl start nutrix.service

7. Authorization

Open zitadel console at http://zitadel:8080 and press on the project nutrix then press the Roles tab, then add three roles "admin", "cashier" & "chef"

Now go to the Authorizations tab at the top of the navbar, then click on + New then choose the user zitadel-admin@zitadel.zitadel and then add "admin" role to it

8. Open nutrix console

Open nutrix console at http://localhost:3000

Released under the GPL-2.0 License.